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Testimony of a Geneva escort

Geneva escorts to combat loneliness

At some point, everyone seeks comfort from a lover, friend, work partner or loved one. Loneliness can be one of those moments. Take the case of Natacha. She was one of Geneva’s highest-paid escorts, with rates reaching 1,000 francs an hour by the end of her run. For her, it was all about the connection. We met her and she declared:

« I understood that this man wasn’t just looking for physical pleasure. A lot of people think they go just for that, but to my surprise, he told me his story, and we talked about a lot of things. It was as if he didn’t want to leave, wanting to continue our conversation. »

An escort as a listening ear

Before starting out as an escort in Geneva, Natacha had never really listened to men express their emotions. However, she quickly realized that her position offered men a platform to open up because they didn’t feel judged. For some, Natacha was a listening ear.

She reminded her clients that it might be more economical to see a therapist rather than her. Nevertheless, the fear of judgment made them more inclined to confide in her. She deduced that some men see sex workers in Geneva as a refuge, because in their nakedness, they share a vulnerability. Thus, towards the end of her career, Natacha reveals that she was not only solicited for her physical appearance, but often for her presence. For a simple outing in Geneva, or even a simple conversation.

A welcome escape from escorts

She also reveals that loneliness can lead to certain actions, but with a word of warning. It’s essential not to let sex become a palliative for pain. The moral: those who use escorts in Geneva should avoid spending more than they can afford. In his case, it might be beneficial to consult a grief specialist while taking a step back. This doesn’t mean he should forgo the services of an escort if it makes him feel better. But he could explore other forms of assistance.

Releasing the frustrations of escort clients in Geneva

Another of his clients said he was seeing Geneva escorts because since the birth of his 12-year-old son, his wife no longer wanted to have sex. He told her she was young, pretty and good at her job, and paid sex relieved his frustration. But he felt really guilty. He was only going because his wife was pushing him. In fact, his relationship with his wife had deteriorated, and he was advised to repair it.

Lack of time

There are also other reasons to hire escorts in Geneva. With thousands of high-level executives working in the city at various financial, IT and legal firms, is it any wonder that many executives don’t have the time to form long-term relationships?

Valentine, director of an escort agency in Geneva, told us, « Our clients range from celebrities to lawyers and from private company directors to senior bank executives. All these clients have one thing in common. They don’t have time for conventional relationships, so they’re looking for top-quality discreet escorts to accompany them to events they need to attend in Geneva.

Geneva escorts can therefore become advisors, smart companions at professional events or fun sidekicks to attend shows. For many, it may be about sex, but that’s not always the case. Some simply need to talk without judgment. Discretion is the order of the day. However, traditional counselors often come with their own baggage, and some aren’t very good at leaving their prejudices behind. Dating a professional escort is done without prejudice, and often without the baggage of a conventional relationship.

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