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Masseuse in Montreux

Masseuse Montreux 27 years old 18d 9h
Testimony on an Escort Masseuse in Montreux

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I regularly see an escort masseuse in Montreux

Let me share my thoughts and confess something. I'm in my fifties, wealthy, and I hire a specific escort masseuse in Montreux once or twice a month to act as my girlfriend at social or professional events.

I do it for one specific reason. I love seeing the mix of jealousy and hatred in the eyes of my associates when I arrive with my escort at Montreux parties. Since I have no intention of maintaining a real relationship with an escort masseuse who is less than half my age, I find this an excellent way to annoy the people, both men and women, I meet or do business with, without seeming like I'm actively trying to irritate them. It's petty, I know, but nonetheless very satisfying. All the men are fixated on my escort and all the women, especially the older ones, horribly want to kill her.

I do not have sexual relations with my escort masseuse in Montreux

We've never made love, my escort masseuse from Montreux and I. Although I was nearly insatiable when I was younger, nowadays, the only reliable way to perform requires the assistance of little blue pills. I find that it doesn't really interest me anymore. I much prefer to have massages to relax peacefully. This still surprises me at times, but I must say that I am much more clear-headed today than I was ten years ago. It's a good compromise, in the end.

For those wondering, my escort masseuse looks a bit like an Inara from Firefly, taller and in much better physical shape. She is a medical student in Montreux. According to her, many escorts are students needing money in Montreux. She works for an agency, and I pay 500CHF for her time and massages, plus a supplement if there is sexual intercourse.

I enjoy going out with my escort masseuse in Montreux

We do not have sex, but I still pay her what I owe so that it's worthwhile for her. I give her more if we travel outside the city. She plays the role of a devoted girlfriend escort very well and seems to enjoy almost as much as I do the effect she has at the meetings I take her to in Montreux. The fact that she is not only beautiful but also very intelligent makes people at these events hate me even more.

If events in Montreux end early, we sometimes go back to my place to watch bad horror movies, which we both love. We do our own Mystery Science Theater bit, shouting at the screen and throwing popcorn at the idiots getting chopped up by the killer clown or whatever. It's a blast. And between certain scenes, she gives me brief sessions of sensual and erotic massages for my utmost pleasure.

I've grown attached to my escort masseuse in Montreux

She doesn't talk about her other escort clients. But from what I've gathered, I'm the only one with whom she doesn't do anything sexual. I take it that I'm a sort of paid rest night for her, allowing her to play a role while mingling with the wealthy and sometimes famous without having to break a sweat in the end.

I must say, I've had more fun with this girl, an escort masseuse, than with most of my exes. It'll be a sad day for me when she becomes a doctor and stops working as an escort in Montreux. I'll be happy for her, of course, but I'll miss the stir we cause when we go out together.