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Becoming a BDSM escort in Geneva

Being a BDSM escort in Geneva

When you hear the word BDSM, what comes to your mind? Many people associate it with painful whips, metal handcuffs, rusty chains or torture devices. But your thoughts are not the same as your friends’. Because people see BDSM in different ways. If you are an escort in Geneva, you need to know how to become a BDSM escort in the best way. But above all, understand the benefits or disadvantages of BDSM. Be well informed before making a decision.

The fact that you are in the escort business in Geneva means that you already know what you are getting into. It also means that sooner or later you might be offering BDSM services to your clients. Just like other Geneva escorts do if you want to stay ahead of the competition. But don’t panic, it’s easy to get into this type of escorting and it’s also something you’ll probably enjoy doing with your clients.

What is BDSM?

If you want to become a BDSM escort in Geneva, you must first know what the term BDSM means. It is an abbreviation for Bondage, Domination & Submission, Sadism and Masochism. It is also considered as one of the most popular categories of alternative sex games. And the level ranges from soft BDSM to hardcore BDSM. Each escort client has their own expectations in terms of the intensity of their BDSM. For the Geneva escort girls, it is enough to agree before the meeting on the limits of these practices. Because yes, it can quickly degenerate without a good preparation.

The people who practice BDSM in Geneva are much more numerous than you might think. This is because they simply do not talk about it around them. They like to communicate with other people who also enjoy BDSM. There are even communities where they can exchange ideas and perform sex acts with other BDSM couples. If you are an escort who prefers this sexual game, you have a definite advantage over the other escorts in Geneva.

But becoming a BDSM escort in Geneva will require more effort than you think. You will have to learn to master practices that can be psychologically difficult to assume. That’s why you need experience to master them to perfection. To get an idea, you can read our article on the different types of BDSM mistresses in Geneva. You will already have an overview of the behaviors to learn to satisfy your future BDSM clients in Geneva.

Vary your BDSM practices in Geneva

In BDSM, it is not necessary to stick to one role or one BDSM identity. Most people often switch from dominant to submissive and vice versa. This change during BDSM acts is applicable in all types of relationships, whether monogamous or polygamous. They can always change roles whenever they want, of course. And they can do it as many times as they want during the sexual act. However, the exchanges are also based on the preferences of each person’s needs.

What is sadism and masochism?

The sadist is considered the dominant one in BDSM play. This is usually the partner who enjoys and feels sexually aroused when he or she sees his or her partner struggling in pain or pleasure due to some rather harsh sexual practices. The masochist, on the other hand, is a submissive person and generally known as the partner who enjoys the intense practices done on them. However, the range and level of practices performed by sadists and masochists must always be predetermined before the BDSM session. And it requires good communication and negotiation. These can be light practices, such as tickling, or wild practices where sadists wait for their partner to beg them to stop.

What is impact play in BDSM?

Impact play, in the context of BDSM practice in Geneva, is a fancy term for slapping and spanking that can vary in scope and level during the act. In this type of play, each time a part of the body is slapped, the blood rises in that particular area. This intensifies any kind of sensation done in that area. These touches are often done by brushing a feather or hairbrush into the spanked areas. Spanking makes a particular area more sensitive, offering more sensation with each touch.

This type of practice is applicable in almost any BDSM scene one desires. This activity can also add an extra dimension to one’s sexual sensations and satisfy both sadistic and masochistic parties.

The difference of the Geneva BDSM escort

Traditional sex is the usual type of sex act between a man and a woman. If you have been in the Geneva escort industry for a while, you already have an idea of how to proceed with your client. This is not the case with BDSM escorting. It goes beyond a simple sexual act. Because here you must use kinky sex toys like blindfolds, ropes and handcuffs. In some extreme cases of BDSM, sex games are involved in which you have to play the role of a slave while your client tortures you with a whip. If you become a BDSM escort, your creativity is the limit.

Catgirl: why becoming a geneva BDSM escort?

Learn about BDSM in Geneva

Not everyone likes BDSM in Geneva, that’s true. But frankly, many men are interested in this kind of practice. That’s why some escorts are now more open to BDSM escorting ideas in Geneva. If you are considering this type of service, you should start by learning about BDSM. One of the effective ways to do this is to do some research on the internet. Some BDSM Geneva escorts share tips, tricks and experiences about BDSM that you can learn from. It won’t hurt you to read them. Especially if you can apply the lessons you have learned to improve your services as a BDSM escort in Geneva.

Consent in BDSM

If you want to become a BDSM escort in Geneva, you must understand the importance of consent. It is an agreement between the two parties before they engage in a BDSM session. As an escort, you must state your terms to the client. Be specific in what you do and do not do. In return, you must also consider their own terms. If they don’t suit you, you can of course always refuse. Consent is vital between you two. Otherwise you will never enjoy BDSM with your partners.

You also need to be very specific in setting up your services. For example, you can say « I’d rather be handcuffed than have my wrists tied with ropes”. Or, « I’m more turned on if you blindfold me. » This can help your client understand your needs and limitations. In return, you can ask him what turns him on the most and agree to do what you both consider pleasurable together.

Misconceptions about BDSM in Geneva

Today, many people are still not in favor of BDSM because the idea of hurting someone and demanding submission can be frightening to them. In reality, most of these ideas are just excuses to keep people from discovering the fun world of BDSM in Geneva. If you want to become a BDSM escort, you need to forget about preconceived notions about what happens during this sex act.

One misconception is that sex toys cause pain. But they are not dangerous if you know how to use them. If you are an escort in Geneva and you want to try BDSM with your client, you can start by using toys that you are already comfortable with. These toys can spice up your experience without hurting either of you. You can use a scarf or ribbon to tie your partner up instead of handcuffs or ropes.

BDSM can be practiced without pain. Yes, it can. It can be used to arouse different senses at the same time. It is very sensual. That’s why some people like to be tied up in bed and let their partners do whatever they want. The condition is simply that everything happens within the rules agreed upon before a date. In some cases, your client may ask to play the role of the slave while you take full control of the situation. Again, it all depends on what you like and are willing to do.

Master the BDSM specialty in Geneva

A sexy body and a beautiful face are not enough if you want to acquire BDSM clients in Geneva. Men want an escort who can satisfy their sexual fetishes. This need goes beyond physical appearance. They are looking for women who can truly fulfill their fantasies. As a BDSM escort in Geneva, you must therefore be specific in your specialty and ready to do new practices. In the BDSM system, you have the choice of playing the domina or the submissive. Most men prefer to dominate their partner. In this case, you must trust your client to take care of you and give pleasure to your body and his. If your client wants to play the role of the submissive, then you have complete control over him. Whatever your role, make sure you play it well. Enjoy it and have fun. Don’t be afraid to be kinky. You might even be surprised, with experience, at how much you enjoy doing BDSM with a client.

Offering BDSM services in Geneva

The first thing to do if you have decided to become a BDSM escort in Geneva is to review your online profile on Catgirl. If you are a member of an escort agency that has its own website, you may be competing with other escorts who also offer BDSM services in Geneva. To stand out, post your most attractive photos. You can use several angles. From a face shot to a full body shot that showcases your natural assets. Avoid faking your photos, as this will only get you into trouble.

The next step is to edit your Catgirl profile description. You need to highlight your new practices and services. Don’t just say a few sentences about yourself. You need to make your profile more professional by writing complete sentences that show what a future client can expect. Put specific information about the services you offer.

Finally, you need to set new prices for these new services. This is a complicated step because there are so many different BDSM services. It’s up to you to list them and set the prices in comparison with other BDSM escorts in Geneva. But be aware that a BDSM client is likely to accept higher prices than traditional sexual services. Since there are few professional BDSM escorts in Geneva, you can take advantage of this.

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