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Are you 18 years old? is a community with adult content. You must be over 18 years old to join it.

SM/BDSM in Switzerland

SM/BDSM Bülach 41 years old 29d 4h
SM/BDSM Geneva 34 years old 26d
SM/BDSM Zurich 26 years old 12d 17h
SM/BDSM Aire-la-Ville 23 years old 21d 6h
SM/BDSM Geneva 33 years old 9d 17h
SM/BDSM Geneva 36 years old 19d 20h
SM/BDSM Lausanne 37 years old 17d
SM/BDSM Zurich 29 years old 7d 16h
SM/BDSM Geneva 24 years old 27d 23h
SM/BDSM Monthey 40 years old 24d 18h