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NFT of Apolonia Lapiedra

We wanted to offer you something very special, something unique. And what is better than a nascent art that will establish itself as a standard in the near future. NFTs are the foundation of Digital Art and this trend has exploded this year. For the first six months of 2021, they sold globally and totaled $2.5 billion in sales. Giving you the opportunity to buy an NFT at the dawn of their existence is like investing in the early days of Google, Amazon or Tesla. An NFT can easily increase in value, especially if it is unique. By engraving it on the Blockchain, it will be unique forever, unable to be copied or replicated.

The choice of the NFT

Apolonia is an incredible woman. Her beauty, charisma and elegance make her one of the most emblematic celebrities of the X scene. But even more, her aura as a woman makes her a real star. For us it was an obvious choice. It was our first choice. So engraving Apolonia on the Blockchain and making it a unique piece of art became our goal.

We contacted her to propose this project. As we expected, she was not familiar with the world of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Which is normal, few people are aware of it yet. But we do since we have been interested in Blockchain for years. And our knowledge has become an expertise today. The conversations were a bit technical, but we knew how to find the right words so that she could easily understand this whole digital universe.

The negotiation of the NFT

After explaining to Apolonia the whole process of an NFT, she understood that such a project was revolutionary. Not only because it is a new art, but also because she would be the first Pornstar to have an official NFT. And as we know, all « firsts of a kind » are memorable. There are few opportunities like that in general, so you must take advantage of them.

We obviously had to put it all into a contract. And it took a month to work out all the details. Negotiating with a star is not easy, that is true. But so exciting. One of the most important points was obviously the copyright. The buyer of the NFT does not have to be worried when acquiring the right to her image. But since an NFT can be resold at will, all future buyers must also be protected.

The preparation of the NFT

We wanted to make only one NFT from Apolonia. To make it unique and precious, as precious as a diamond. Therefore, the photos of the NFT must also be unique. It should never be published in the media, nowhere. That is why we organized a secret shooting and limited the number of people around it. Everything went according to plan and the photographer was able to get the best out of Apolonia to find the ideal photos.

Once the photos were chosen, we had to find an NFT artist who could reproduce Apolonia’s own design wishes. We all discussed together to give a direction to the design and we were able to choose the perfect artist. The design had to be simple, elegant and bright. A close collaboration then began to develop this design. Several proposals from the artist were studied. A week was necessary to finalize everyone’s expectations. In the end, each of us was happy and satisfied. 

The unique art of the NFT

We wanted to explain to you how we thought and conducted this project. To show you that an NFT is not only a simple photo, but that everything has been done to make it unique. Once engraved on the Blockchain, it acquires its own identity and cannot be modified or altered. You can keep it in your crypto wallet, resell it or offer it to anyone you want. And that is just by a simple transfer on the Blockchain.

Our collaboration with Apolonia has exceeded all our expectations. She is an unattainable star for most people. But she was fully dedicated to our project. There were so many details to work out that we took the time to get everything right. And we are incredibly happy with the result. I hope you will be too. Because we did it for you.

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