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How a Geneva escort prepares for her clients?

You’ve probably already read our article explaining the different types of clients for escort girls in Geneva. If you haven’t read it yet, you will learn more about the kind of clients you want to reach as a Catgirl escort. Now, it is useful to advise you on how you should prepare your appointments with a client. This is important because you need to adjust for each one.

Types of escort girl appointments in Geneva

Geneva escort girls are sometimes booked for incalls and sometimes for outcalls. The preparation is not the same for both situations.

An incall is when a client comes to visit you at your working place. These visits are usually done in the escort apartment or in the place used for your escort activity in Geneva. It can also be the erotic salon or club in which you work. When a client comes to see an escort girl in such a place, things are simple. Usually, their intentions are clear and a sexual act is the most likely and obvious. The difference is that in an incall, you spend time with the client alone in the apartment, whereas an outcall may require you to go out with them or attend an event together.

An outcall involves a multitude of possibilities. Some men suffer from chronic loneliness and do not like to be alone at important times in their lives. They therefore call upon a Geneva Catgirl escort to accompany them to a particular or regular event. Sometimes your client will book an outcall to join him in his hotel room. Depending on how much time he wants to spend with you, you may go out for dinner, have a drink and end the night in the hotel room. If this is the case, there will be an escort dress code to follow. That’s why you need to know in advance what your client’s needs are to be well prepared.

How does a Geneva escort prepare for an incall?

What is an escort incall in Geneva?

An incall is when your client comes to you. Each Geneva escort handles an incall in the way she feels most comfortable. The services provided are listed on her Catgirl profile and when the booking is made, the client lets you know what she is looking for. Some Geneva escorts prioritize hygiene and ask the client for a shower before and or after sexual intimacy. Others will go straight to the point and will take out the big erotic game to satisfy their client as well as possible. Others will specialize in the realization of special fantasies.

What to prepare for an escort incall in Geneva?

Depending on the escort services you offer, you will need to prepare your special outfits and sex toys. Have drinks and light food available just in case and make sure that your clients know how much their appointment will cost. If a client has special desires that are not mentioned on your escort Catgirl profile, be clear about the extra money he will have to pay to fulfill them. All of these points should be discussed before you begin the meeting. You don’t want to tell him that he must pay extra money during the session by cutting off his sexual momentum.

Also always have a few condoms on hand. Geneva escorts have all kinds of condoms with different textures and thicknesses. Even if you don’t practice penetration, you will need them for oral sex if you don’t practice natural oral sex. Make sure you are ready for your client and know how to greet him properly when he comes.

Don’t rush your time together, especially if he is a regular client. If it’s a new client, limit the first time to an hour to see if there is a connection or not. You can then keep control and limit the services if that is what you decide. You never know what to expect with a new client. You may not have an emotional connection with him as an escort girl, but if you get past the first meeting, you can easily decide whether or not to see him again.

How does a Geneva escort prepare for an outcall?

What is an escort outcall in Geneva?

It’s when you go to see a client outside your working place. When he books you for an outcall, you need to look the best way you can and be on time. A Geneva escort is never late. You need to know in advance if it is a home visit, an hotel room or if you are going out for a night in town. All these questions should be asked and discussed at the time of booking prior to your escort meeting.

What to prepare for an escort outcall in Geneva?

A client wants to take you to dinner in a nice restaurant in Geneva? Then you need to know the standard of the restaurant: class or casual? It also happens that a client wants to book an escort service because he wants you to attend a reception or an important event with him. To prepare properly as an escort, you need to find out what the dress code is. In this case, you need to plan your attire according to your client’s needs. You need to know this well in advance. Don’t hesitate to ask him when you make your booking call. Men like an escort girl to worry about how she will appear in front of him. Get ready and make yourself beautiful for him. Show him this attention needed to impose a connection from the start.

Hairstyle and manicure of escort in Geneva

Depending on the event you’ll be attending, you’ll need a little more preparation than just an outfit. If you need a special hairstyle, go to the hairdresser on the day of the appointment to keep it perfect for the whole meeting. You may ask your client if he has a favorite kind of hairstyle at the same time as you ask him what outfit to use. You always need, as a Geneva escort, to think before your clients think.

Sophisticated men like clean, well-groomed escort girls. For you, it means a flawless manicure. Don’t hesitate to go to a nail salon regularly to have your nails done. You can put false nails but be careful that they are not too long. You must keep a proportionality in all your physical assets and your appearance. Avoid the superficial and the flashy. Discretion is what you need to aim as a Geneva escort.

You will find that many clients have a foot fetish or other strange fetishes. And they are very demanding on their hygiene, cleanliness, size or shape. Of course, these are things you can’t control, you were born with your feet, and you can’t change them. But you can take care of them properly. So get a pedicure at the same time as your manicure. 

Escort hair removal in Geneva

A waxing can also be considered. Especially if you return to his hotel room after your night out. Some men prefer hairless girls. Others like girls with natural hair between their legs. It’s a little tricky to ask in advance, it’s true. When in doubt, wax yourself, your hair will have time to grow for a next date.

A Geneva escort will also need to know if she should come all ready or if she should prepare herself in the hotel room or at her client’s home. For obvious reasons of discretion. If you go in casual attire and prepare on the spot, make sure you take everything you need to get ready for the evening. Pack several outfits and have your client choose one. If you are dressed for the occasion when you arrive at your client’s home, don’t forget to bring comfortable clothes for after the event.

Payment method of escort girl in Geneva

One of the most important things to prepare before the meeting. Decide on a payment method in advance. For a first appointment, ask your future client to pay you as soon as you see each other. If he becomes a regular and trusted client, you won’t have to ask anymore and he will naturally pay you. Also be prepared for all your clients to change their mind and want to stay with you longer or overnight. You’ll need to let him know your overtime rates, which are usually a little cheaper than the first few hours. But that’s up to you.

Don’t forget to protect yourself. Put a few condoms in your bag. A Geneva escort is always safe and protect herself and her clients. You might have to have sex during the evening unexpectedly. Also, remember to pack a few small sex toys. To spice up your dinner or event. Small discreet toys of course.  Which ones? That you should know better than us.

How to facilitate an escort meeting preparation in Geneva?

Be ready and responsive as an escort

If it’s an incall, keep enough materials on hand that a Geneva escort needs for a meeting with her client. Your schedule may change suddenly, and you don’t want to be stuck without things like condoms, sex toys or other things you would normally have in your apartment for an incall.

Keep your apartment tidy every day. One of your clients may call to see you within the hour, so it should be always ready. Don’t forget to wash your bath towels regularly. Because you and your clients will be taking a lot of showers. There’s no way you’ll run out of towels if you have an unexpected escort appointment.

Think about sex toys for escort girls

Make sure your sex toys are cleaned and ready to use. In fact, clean and sanitize them after each use. Your personal hygiene is also something you need to take care of as an escort girl. Take a shower and put on a sexy outfit before your client comes. Many of them like the natural beauty of their Geneva escort, so you don’t need to have too much makeup on. When he arrives, make sure you are ready for him. Don’t keep him waiting. Offer him a drink and sit down to chat for a while.

Be a Geneva escort girl on time

When a client makes an escort reservation in Geneva, make sure to call him the same day to confirm it. Your venue is private and he should be aware of that. When preparing for an outcall, there are a few things to always keep in mind. Keep dressy clothes, casual clothes and a few extras ready in case of a last minute visit. Even if you already know you’re booked, it’s good to be prepared.

If you are hired for an outcall and have to attend an event with your client, do everything you need to do on time. In your bag, be sure to pack the necessities, including condoms and anything else you might need to get through the night. Always find out how long it will take you to get there, where you are going and what your client’s expectations are for the evening. If you’re staying overnight at a hotel, they will probably order room service and have drinks ready for you. Eat something in advance, just in case.

How does a Geneva escort prepare for a new client?

Be clear with your Geneva escort services

When a new client calls to make an appointment with you, the first thing to do as a Geneva escort is to let him know what services you offer and how you accept payment. Many Geneva escorts say they are only open to an incall for new clients. Since they have never met the client, they prefer to start with a short appointment at home to test him out. Escorts want to be in a familiar space when they meet a new client.

When preparing for a new client, make sure everything is ready for him. Prepare the bedroom and bed if you know he wants an intimate moment. Leave clean towels so you can offer him a shower if he wants one. Sometimes men come straight from work and need to freshen up a bit. Don’t leave personal items lying around. Whether he’s nosy or not, it’s human nature to look at what’s right around us, specially when it’s an escort girl. We’re talking about your mail, magazines with your name on them, family photos or anything else you’d like to share only with family and friends.

Be a frank and honest Geneva escort

Make sure you match the description you made of yourself on your Catgirl escort profile. A client who made an appointment with you did it based on the elements of that profile and the way you described yourself. So be true to the photos and description in your profile. Keep the same mindset. If you have a description mentioning your sexual qualities, take the lead in ordering him who orders. If you have a classic description, wait for him to make the first move.

Keep condoms on hand because you are not sure if this new client has any with him. If you plan to kill time, have some drinks on hand, alcoholic or not. You may even want to bring some snacks. Make sure your apartment is tidy and smells clean and fresh. If you decide you’re ready to go on a date with a new client, make sure they tell you about their plans. You will want to know what to wear for your escort meeting. You will also want to know what to bring with you. Since this is your first date with a new client, make sure you feel comfortable with the plans for the evening before you go ahead and book it.

How does a Geneva escort prepare for existing clients?

Anticipate the escort needs of your regular clients

With your existing clients, there are many things you can do to prepare for incalls and outcalls with them. Since you already know them a bit, you know what they like and what you can do to make them happy. You like to please your existing customers so they will come back. If they come to you for an incall and like to shower in your apartment, make sure there are fresh towels waiting for them in the bathroom. You probably already know what your client likes to drink and what snacks they like. Have it all on hand. A Geneva escort girl know how to treat a client.

Plan the escort needs of your regular clients

Your current clients already know how to pay you, so that’s one less thing to worry about. Make sure you have everything your client needs for the services they usually do with you. If you go to his place, you know what to expect and can prepare with peace of mind. If you are spending the night in his hotel room, take what you need for the evening, the night and the next day. A Geneva escort girl must always be ready to adapt her cloths in all situations. One thing escorts always carry with them is condoms. Never forget them. This is true for both new and existing clients. You know your existing clients well enough that if they have something new in mind, they will make sure you know about it ahead of time. These are great tips on how to prepare for a client.

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