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Why do men play with porn games?

It’s no secret that men love porn movies. Some don’t hide it, others do it in a very discreet way. But what about porn video games? This is a step beyond just watching porn video streaming sites. It’s a much more active activity and can be much more exciting. Less common than movies, porn games have been steadily gaining market share since a few years now.

We will first see why men like porn in its classic format. Here we are talking about movies, but this also applies to the erotic and porn press. And then why we gradually increase the steps to end up playing porn games and dive into a more realistic action. So let’s start this journey into the immersion of virtual sex in a more realistic way.

Why do men like to watch porn movies?

Over 75% of men admit to regularly watch porn, and it’s not without reason.  First of all, it’s a simple, fast and often free way to relax a bit or to satisfy their sexual fantasies. Free porn sites are numerous and quite secure. But be careful not to click on suspicious links that could redirect you to pishing sites and steal all your data. Let’s start again. In five minutes, it is then possible to relax and feel a better pleasure. Rather than asking why, it would make more sense to ask why not. Nowadays, there’s nothing shameful about indulging in this way.

Secondly, there is often a great deal of excitement in watching people showing off sexual practices that we don’t engage in ourselves. And these fantasies are probably not shared by your partner either, that’s a given. If this is the case, it can be enjoyable and healthy to live these fantasies through porn. We can also get a lot of pleasure from watching hardcore scenes that we wouldn’t necessarily like to do ourselves. It’s true, it’s sometimes more exciting to watch than to do it.

On the other hand, we can also enjoy watching porn scenes that can happen to us in everyday life. Like simple sex scenes in couple for example. It’s nice to be able to put yourself in the person’s shoes and say that it could be you.

Why do men like porn games?

Porn games are something else entirely. It’s an extra step to take. And that’s the big difference. You go from spectator to actor. All the reasons we mentioned above about why men like porn obviously apply to porn games as well. With the undeniable advantage that with porn games we can develop our active sexual side. There is no doubt about how much fun it can be to put yourself in the place of a virtual person and perform the sex action yourself.

Sex games also have the advantage of being created in 3D. This little detail changes everything indeed. When you create a game in 3D, the possibilities are endless. All shapes and extravagances are allowed. Anthropomorphic animals, aliens, choices have no limits. If you can imagine it, it must already exist. As you might see, you can also find in this kind of game 3D characters that you already know from near or far. And even, who knows, familiar faces from existing video games or TV series.

Porn games offer a way to experience unreal fantasies that movies can never offer. And that’s the main reason why men love porn games so much. Porn has always been part of a man’s life. And now even more with promising new sex games.

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